Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day Two

     Hello again, everyone! Yesterday was my brother's 20th birthday! We celebrated with ice cream cake from Dairy Queen, it was delicious. Anyways, I hope that you guys grow to like this blog. :) I'm already enjoying it! 

So, I ran about 4-5 miles today, plus in such hot weather, it was pretty brutal. Currently, I'm doing nothing productive. I have a doctor's appointment later, ughh. We all know how that goes. :P But, what I really want to know is what you guys are doing today! Have anything exciting you're doing today or this weekend? Doing anything to prepare for school? I haven't done anything to get ready for school, yet. I plan to mainly go shopping for clothing apparel. Hah! I haven't even decided yet what I'm going to be using for a "backpack." DO you guys have any favorite outfits that you bought especially for school or work? If you do, please share. :) 

BTW, sorry I haven't put up any photos yet. I'm working on it- I just uploaded pics from my camera yesterday. Promise I'll get on that. :) Well, please, reply with some responses, or questions, anything. :D

Q: What did you dress up as for Halloween when you were younger?
A: Hmm, I was a cat once, a pirate, a cowgirl. :) All sorts of things. 

Have a great day!

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