Monday, August 16, 2010

Talk about a loong weekend!

      I feel like all this summer I've had long weekends so they kind of all just mesh together and I forget what happened which weekend !! :P Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures BECAUSE it was so busy and rushed all the time. Sorry :( I'm working on it!!! I promise. It's just been really busy, especially with school starting this week!! Oh my goodness!!! I'll have to get on a regular schedule of posting blogs as well as photos. :) Okay, so!

My Weekend!!  :
     Friday night- I hung out with the two handsome men in my profile photo. The one on the right being my wonderful boyfriend, Chewy, and the one on the left is my awesome cousin. We went for a pleasurable bike ride and reached our destination, and had a bite to eat, which was totally fine until we wanted to leave! It had started raining and I'm like "Oh, it's not that bad, we'll get home before it pours." And what do you know? We weren't! Hahah. My mother was being paranoid so she insisted on coming to pick us up at our friend's house that we stopped at, which probably was a great decision. When we finally got home, we were soaked so we all got into dry clothes and called it a night! [Time frame: 6pm-10pm]

     Saturday: (Here's starts the crazy busy.) Had to wake up at 5:30 to get ready to leave the house at 7AM to pick up my boyfriend and go to my family reunion with my father. (It was his side of the family.) Not only was it a four hour drive, when we got there, there as hardly anyone there! Much smasller crowd than last year. But, the food was good, and I got to see some family, which is the important part. :) My uncle took us for a ride in his son's golf cart to show us around his neighbor's 600 acre property! Boy, was that nice! !
After the family reunion, we had to leave early to a hula show! I love working. :) It's part time, but it's so much fun and I love it. We had a 3 hour drive to the show from my family reunion and the show turned out really great! My boss was really proud of me and I got to work with two other really good girls. :) My boyfriend and father were, as well, pleased with the turn out. :) Finally, we headed home for an hour drive and then went to sleep... Only to wake up just as early the next day. [Time frame: 5:30ishAM- 11ishPM]

     Sunday: Wake up early for a church reunion/picnic! Drive an hour to the park it was hosted out, have small church session, then the games begin! It was a pretty fun day there; we played musical charis, soccer, got to hang out and get eaten by mosquitoes! That was the best part- not! Like always, I had to leave early to go to hula practice, which was fun. Hardly any girls showed up, but it was fun. I officially know 6 dances, and I'm working on being able to  MC them at shows. Yayayy! Afterwards, My boyfriend, my mother and I went to a polynesian restaurant for dinner and met up with some of the hula people and sang karaoke- badly, lol. Then got in the car for an hour drive home. [Time frame: [6:50am- 10:45pm]

Definitely a long weekend. You think I'd be used to them by now? Definitely not. Haha, how was YOUR weekend? Was it as long as mine, or longer? Please, let me know! It'll be interesting to read about! Excited for school yet?!? I am- for a little while. Hah!

Q: Hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
A: "Cheeseburger in Paradise! dadadaaa!!" All about the cheeseburgers, hamburgers are plain. :P

Hope you have an awesome, relaxing day!! :D

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